Surge in wind power causes spike in NW power grid
Blogger Marc's note: It is unbelievable that in a day and age where we are seeing BROWN-OUTS on the West Coast (more specifically in California) that Oregon's small Wind farms in the Columbia River Gorge, are working so well that the local power companies CANNOT HANDLE all the extra power the little wind farms generate on windy days! When there are places BEGGING FOR electricity, why can't our Pacific Power Company either re-route the almost free - 100% eco-friendly clean power' to other grids, like California's system that so desperately needs it right now?
PORTLAND, Ore. -- The wind huffed, and it puffed, and it nearly caused major problems in the Northwest's electrical grid last week.
Power managers say they have some fixing to do.
A surge of wind last Monday afternoon jumped far beyond levels forecast by operators of Oregon's burgeoning wind-farm industry, sending more power into the regional grid than it could handle.
The Bonneville Power Administration is responsible for adjusting hydropower generation levels to accommodate the power from wind turbines so the system isn't overloaded.
It realized by Monday evening that it could no longer handle the surge without increasing spills of water through hydroelectric dams to levels dangerous to fish. Spilling the water keeps it from the hydropower generators.
Generally, spills are needed to help juvenile salmon make their way downriver, although too much water can prove lethal.
So, for the first time, BPA power managers began calling wind-farm operators with orders to curtail power generation.
But calls to some wind farms reached only answering machines, and at another the operators misunderstood and kept generation steady. One wind-farm, which BPA wouldn't name, did reduce generation.
As it turned out, water the BPA had to spill wasn't heavy enough to do damage.
But a BPA official said it demonstrated a need to make sure that the growth of wind power in the Columbia Basin doesn't cause more such problems.
"It was a wake-up call," said Brian Silverstein, a BPA transmission vice president.
The agency can sanction wind companies that disobey pullback orders. In this case, penalties were unnecessary, Silverstein said, but fine-tuning of protocols definitely is.
Maybe it's all the hemp fibers and patchouli in the Portland air.
It actually was really windy in the gorge all last week, but they really need to do something with all the excess power or at least figure out some long term storage. I just don't think battery designs have caught up with technology needs.
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