Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Happy Freakin Holidays My fans

Happy Holidays.
My buddy sent this to me and in his own sarcastic way, he made me think:
So, it's been awhile but I wanted to check up on you.
1- Have you been laid off yet or has your company folded?
2- Does your house have little or no heat or you can't afford to heat it this year?
3- Are you figuring out how to NOT buy Christmas Presents this time around?
4- Has your past Anxiety and/or Depression popped it's little head out yet?
If you answered 'YES" to any of these questions, you're pretty fucked.
However, you may look at this a different way. Maybe you're not as fucked as I am this year!
You see, I answered 'Yes' to every question, but thankfully I already lost my house, my main job, one of my vehicles and my health last year (in the start of the real recession).
So I am a few steps ahead of all you other folks out there.
When you are told you have a incurable, terminal disease, things such as houses, possesions and even trips home, aren't important anymore.
I was lucky, I got a few years of retirement savings I was able to cash in (at a huge penalty) to pay off about $8000 worth of medical bills just in 2008.
Thankgod for for foodstamps and extra 'extended' unemployment benifits, or I'd be homeless as well.
Many folks see these programs as a 'give-away' or 'spreading the wealth around' as stupid republican fools; such as 'Joe the dumbass plumber' believes, but in my case...it helped allot.
Signed, Buddy
Well, there was more to his story, but alas, I wanted to bitch and moan that I'm stuck going to spend a week in Utah with all my ignorant Mormon fools for Christmas.
Funny, some are out of work now too, they are finally seeing the error of their ways for supporting an endless war started by a moron named George Bush.
Maybe they can go work for Mitt Romney, since he's such a good Businessman. HA!
If they were smart, they would have saved that hundered dollar check instead of mailing it off to support the anti-gay 'No On 8 campaign' in California!
Have a Happy Holiday Season. I hope and Pray we'll survive the oncoming crap!

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