Thursday, August 21, 2008

U.S. is Under Attack (again)

The US is under Attack - again!

Just a quick blog today, as I spend many hours scanning the newswires, watching CNN, MSNBC and of course my favorite news outlet Faux News (oops I meant Fox News) we are seeing that the Republican Party just pulled out their FMM or ‘Fear Mongering Machine’ and it has begun an all out assault on the simpler minds of the American people.

With the US Presidential race heating up, we are seeing the first wave of attacks using this newly updated FMM weapon. Our intelligence unit has received data and deciphered chatter about the updated FMM weapon and its terrible effects on simple minds.

Please make sure that you tell your friends and neighbors to watch for this weapon and to be aware of its use in the upcoming 90 days. Often times one cannot discern from the supposed truth called ‘reality’ propagated by this GOP FMM Weaponry.
The weapon is easily recognizable on most networks and news organizations, but FOX NEWS has contractually agreed to use the FMM to enhance EACH and every news story during the next 120 days!

Be aware that when you hear news stories about the US coming under potential attack, or that there is a larger terrorist attack planned, or that the we are now going to have to go to war with Russia, please help your family, friends and neighbors fully understand that this in fact in not the true reality of the moment, nor even of the future.

Please help them discern and comprehend that in most cases, these reports and ‘scare tactics’ only and simply the ammunition delivered by the Republicans, by advanced use of the FMM.

Be logical, open-minded and understanding and ask for discernment when you hear outrageous claims made by the current administration, or John McCain, as almost everything that is coming out of their mouths are being enhanced by the FMM psychological mind control unit.

In reality, just BE AWARE that some information that will come out to try to scare you into thinking that hiring your 72 year old grandpa (who does NOT know how to even use a computer or email) was (or is) a good idea. In the long run, regardless of any faked FMM military threat, the US will learn hiring this old coot is not such a good idea.

If you truly want to know what Brother McCain is really about and some of the shenanigans he pulled (in his dementia moments of course) while being a Governer in Arizona ask any REPUBLICAN PARTY MEMBER who lives there for a reality check!

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