Monday, June 9, 2008


Venezuala just stopped doing business with the USA.

Marc's prediction:

People hate the USA and more and more OIL producing nations WILL SOON slow or STOP selling OIL to the USA!

The US will counter with more and more funds, greater financial incentives, etc, BUT NO MATTER HOW MUCH WE BEG and try to buy their friendhip 'back into business' it will not happen.

These smaller South American & Arab countries will CUT US OFF very soon!

It's not a matter of how much we will pay, it is a matter of how we have treated them unfairly over the last 3 decades, but worse since the BUSHIES have been in office.

Obama nor John McCain are OUR SAVIORs, as they both came 8 years too late!

ARAB countries peaked their production back in the late 70's and their wells (some are being run dry) are pumping less and less.

My prediction is you will see a $5.00 a gallon gas cost by August and a $7.50 dollar per gallon by summer 2009!

CARACAS, Venezuela — Venezuela's state oil company said Tuesday that it has stopped selling crude oil to Exxon Mobil Corp. and has suspended commercial relations with the U.S.-based oil company.
State-run Petroleos de Venezuela SA, or PDVSA, said in a statement that it "has paralyzed sales of crude to Exxon Mobil." It said the decision was made "as an act of reciprocity" for the company's "judicial-economic harassment."
President Hugo Chavez has shaken oil markets this week with broader threats to cut off oil supplies to the United States. His threats came in response to a drive by Exxon Mobil to seize Venezuelan assets through U.S. and European courts in a dispute over the nationalization of its oil ventures in Venezuela.
The impact of the decision on Exxon Mobil was not immediately clear. Both Chavez and Oil Minister Rafael Ramirez previously said the Irving, Texas-based company is no longer welcome to do business in Venezuela.

1 comment:

Marc said...


The US will be looking to attack and take over the OIL RESERVES of those countries who FAIL to sell us OIL!